Article(s) January 2014

Mood management skills for everybody

In a previous piece for Quintessence, I wrote about Supported Self Management (SSM) for mood problems, surprisingly effective despite minimal cost and easy implementation. SSM involves teaching patients evidence-based methods for dealing with depression more effectively. The patient is provided with the Antidepressant Skills Workbook along with some support from a healthcare professional, peer support worker or family member. The skills taught in the workbook are based on cognitive behavioural therapy.

Thinking Intersectionally

Although immigrants are generally healthier than people born in Canada, their health tends to decline over their time here. Access to health services is therefore essential, yet multiple barriers remain in the mental health context. As Laurence Kirmayer previously blogged, the challenges are complex and significant.

Connecting the Dots: No Mental Health without Public Mental Health

A research report released in Ontario last summer entitled Connecting the Dots indicated that local public health units are doing a substantial amount of mental health promotion for children and youth without having a specific mandate to do so. In Ontario, illness prevention and health promotion are at the heart of public health, yet the role of public health in the mental health of Ontarians has not been well defined. For instance, the Ontario Public Health Standards, which guides the work of public health units, lacks an explicit mandate to address mental health.