Article(s) 21 September 2011

College creates a favourable environment for improving mental health

Young people making the transition to adulthood are a population at risk of developing mental health problems. The statistics are striking: those aged 15 to 24 have the highest prevalence of psychological distress, anxiety or depressive disorders, drug and alcohol related disorders and eating disorders. Suicide ranks second as a cause of death for this age group. The scope of these problems is reaching college (CEGEP) students. Initiatives launched in recent years have aimed at supporting these emergent clienteles, particularly young people with mental disorders and learning disabilities. To support the health needs and well-being of young people, the ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) and the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) published in 2010, the Cadre de référence pour soutenir la collaboration entre les centres de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS) et les collèges publics du Québec (Framework to support cooperation between CSSSs and public colleges in Quebec).

Collaborative mental health care plays a key role

Mental health services are increasingly recognizing the key roles that primary care play in delivering mental health care in almost every community in Canada, and the importance of building collaborative partnerships to optimise these roles. Achieving this enables services to use their respective resources more efficiently, improve access to needed mental health and addiction services, better coordinate care, and improve the experience for the person seeking or receiving care for a mental health and addiction problem.